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Akosua Manu: KNUST “concealing” rape case

The deputy chief executive officer of the National Youth Authority (NYA), Akosua Manu (Kozie) has allegedly accused the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST) of concealing a rape incident at the university.

According to her, rape cases recorded at KNUST in the last two weeks were three, contrary to the two cases reported.

In a terse post on Facebook, the deputy CEO of NYA said the “three rape” cases at KNUST is a pandemic.

“The third incident of rape at KNUST upsets me no end. And I say three because as I understand it, one incident is being managed. Three cases in two weeks is a pandemic. We are not angry enough,” she posted.


Six KNUST students remanded over alleged gang-rape

Meanwhile six students of the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST) were on Wednesday (3 August) remanded by the Asokore Mampong Magistrate Court for allegedly gang-raping a first-year student.

They are Patrick Fosu, Edwin Nii Noi Quaynor, John Wilson, Kingsley Asiedu Andoh, Thompson Nii, and Assafua Eric.

ACP Kofi Blagodzi, the lead prosecutor, said the case has been adjourned to 18 August.

Meanwhile, the lawyers for the accused persons are considering going to the high court for bail.

“These are students of KNUST who have been accused of rape,” Richard Adu Darko, lawyer for the accused persons said. “Looking at the facts that have been presented to us, honestly we don’t see rape, but that’s what we have been accused of.”

“And once someone is accused, the law says that, that person is innocent until proven guilty or the person pleads otherwise.”

He added: “So, now until they plead that they are guilty or until a court of competent jurisdiction finds them guilty they are innocent. At this material moment this is a court of first instance, and they have been brought here for purposes of remanding them in lawful custody.

“So, we are also going to take steps and go to the appropriate forum and then apply for bail for them, then they can continue with their examinations and face trial while the matter is pending before court.”

Fred Dzakpata

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