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Asante Akim North: Concerned Citizens call for the reopening of Salt FM

salt fm

A group calling itself Concerned Citizens of Asante Akim North-Accra has called on the National Communications Authority (NCA) to reopen Salt FM, a radio station based in Asante Akim North of the Ashanti Region.

In a press briefing on Thursday (21 March), the group said the station served as the only medium that gave them information both locally and internationally. They are, therefore, pleading with relevant stakeholders to consider the reopening, as it plays a major role in the communities within Asante Akim.

“We, the Concerned Citizens of Asante Akim, are not pleased with this [closure of Salt FM] … Agogo Traditional Council wrote a letter signed by the Omanhene Nana Akuako Sarpong on 22 February 2024, requesting for the reopening of Salt FM through the Ministry of Communication and Digitalization. This is because the station plays a major role in the communities within Asante Akyem,” said a spokesperson for the group Ebenezer Asumaning.

On 6 February 2024, a team from the NCA shut down the radio station over a failure to renew its authorisation licence.

The closure triggered an instant demonstration by hundreds of residents. The NCA, however, insists that it is only enforcing the licencing regime, adding that it acted after several reminders to the station had been ignored

The NCA said similar actions have been taken against other radio stations across the country.

Reporting by Seyram Abdallah in Accra

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