THE WORD will be the first show to be broadcast on Accra’s new station Asaase Radio, with the Minister of God ushering it into full operation next Sunday, 14 June, at 5am. There will be a special Sunday repeat of The Word at 8am that day and for every other Sunday.
THE WORD is a contemporary radio morning devotion that seeks to use the Holy Scripture to address everyday issues in a relevant way to which people can easily and relate. The show will offer listeners the opportunity to start each day with God through music and the exposition of scripture.
It is designed to uplift and place the spiritual compass of listeners in the right direction every morning as they prepare to step out for their daily activities.
“Asaase Radio is clearly dedicated to excellence and I’m excited about being a part of it.
I am excited about using the airwaves of Asaase Radio to connect people to God and be a source of blessing to all listeners,” says the host.
Reverend Akua Ofori-Boateng is an expressive priest with a strong belief in excellence. She is also a mechanical engineer. As an ordained priest in the Anglican Diocese of Accra, Reverend Akua Ofori-Boateng serves at the Holy Trinity Cathedral in Accra. She is also a member of the United States Trade Advisory Committee on Africa.
Upon graduating from Ghana International School, Reverend Akua Ofori-Boateng obtained a Bachelor of Science degree in engineering physics from Miami University, US; a Master of Science degree in mechanical engineering from Virginia Tech, USA; an MBA from Indiana University, USA; and a Master of Arts degree in ministry from the Trinity Theological Seminary in Legon, Ghana.
The dual role she occupies clarifies her life’s mission: to show that through service to God and man we can all experience life to the fullest both physically and spiritually. This informs her desire to add value by giving back to society, which she does primarily through her foundation Aequitas, a faith-based organisation which seeks to transform lives by infusing the love of Christ into social imbalances.
Reverend Akua’s recently released book, Broken for Use, is a deeply moving personal and spiritual memoir that has been touted as a “must read” by the likes of Elizabeth Ohene and Reverend Dr Joyce Aryee. In it, she demonstrates that despite our brokenness, the goodness of God can still shine through us.
Join her this Sunday and every Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday on Asaase Radio 99.5 from 5am. Her programme will also be made available on podcast through
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