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“Dumsor” is for Mahama: I will keep the lights on, says Akufo-Addo

Flanked by Suzuku Momoku of the Japan International Co-operation Agency, President Akufo-Addo opens the Accra Central Bulk Supply Point on the Graphic Road, Accra

President Akufo-Addo unveils a plaque at the Accra Central BSP substation

President Akufo-Addo has taken a swipe at the former president John Dramani Mahama, saying that his government will continue to work hard to keep the lights on and that the Akufo-Addo government leaves the title “dumsor” for the ex-president Mahama and his erstwhile administration.

The president took the jab at the former president in a speech before commissioning the newly built Accra Central Bulk Supply Point, located along the Graphic Road in the Klottey Korle constituency in Accra, today (Tuesday 13 June 2023).

“I want to reassure all of you that my government will continue to work towards keeping the lights on in spite of the global dynamics of energy pricing, because the alternative is not an option.

“We are not going back to dumsor: we leave that to President Mahama. I am convinced and confident that our nation is on the right path despite our challenges. And with God on our side, I have the firm belief that we shall succeed in this enterprise,” President Akufo-Addo said.

“The project we are commissioning today is a 161-kilovolt bulk supply point, which delivers on the government’s commitment to keep the lights on. It also guarantees stable, reliable and regular supply of electricity for the busy and bustling Business District and surrounding areas,” President Akufo-Addo said.

Operational BSP

Focusing on the project, President Akufo-Addo said the “bulk supply point is a gas insulated substation, which is Ghana Grid Company’s (GRIDCo’s) first substation with such technology”.

The president said the substation “is an innovation in technology applied in areas where spaces are significantly limited, where large-capacity switch care and transformers which are compact can be installed”.

“The benefits of this Accra bulk supply point, among others, are: one, to reduce transmission and distribution losses; two, ensure high reliability of electricity supply; and three, ensure a high level of personnel safety,” the president said.

“Now with the operationalisation of the Accra Bulk Supply Point, power voltages have become stable, protecting valuable equipment. Power supply reliability has improved and with this, efficiency has been restored, reducing system losses as required by the regulator, the Public Utilities Regulatory Commission,” he added.

Funding support/partnerships

It is estimated that the project, funded through the Japanese international development agency, JICA, cost roughly US$40 million. President Akufo-Addo registered the appreciation of the government and people of Ghana to the government and people of the Kingdom of Japan for their magnanimous gesture.

“This project could not have become a reality without the generous grant from the Japanese government and its external agency, the Japanese International Co-operation Agency (JICA), without Japanese technology and technological assistance. This project is an excellent illustration of the strong co-operation between the Republic of Ghana and the Kingdom of Japan which we cherish,” President Akufo-Addo said.

“On behalf of the government and people of Ghana, I extend deep appreciation to the Japanese government and the Japanese consultants, the joint venture of Yachiyo Engineering Company Ltd and West Japan Engineering Consultancy Inc, the main contractor – the main contractor – [as well as] the Japanese joint venture of Mitsubishi Corporation, Hitachi Plant Construction Ltd and Yurtec Corporation for their efforts and continued co-operation and contribution to Ghana’s development and growth,” President Akufo-Addo added.

Immense benefits

The Energy Minister, Matthew Opoku Prempeh, and the board chairman of GRIDCo, Ambassador Kabal Blay-Amihere, both made brief statements.

They took turns to register their appreciation to the Japanese government for making the project a reality.

The minister and the GRIDCo chairman added that, overall, the project will provide many benefits.

Principally, it will relieve existing substations of overloading and thereby allow for planned maintenance work to be carried out without customers experiencing interruptions to power supply.

It will also lead to a significant reduction in power losses, they said, especially at the medium-voltage level.

Japanese government

The country representative of JICA, Ms Suzuku Momoko, and the Japanese ambassador to Ghana, Mochizuki Hisanobu, also made statements signalling that the Japanese government is delighted to offer its support to Ghana in the power sector.

It is the vision of the Government of Japan to continue its efforts, with the aim of ensuring that Ghana enjoys constant power supply across its entire land space.

The Accra Central BSP

The Accra Central Bulk Supply Point is a Japanese-funded project through Japan’s external technical agency, JICA. The project was conceived after the decision to construct a BSPB in proximity to Accra’s Central Business District.

This is because the electricity load in the Central Business District was growing at a rate higher than the system average of 10% per annum. This has been attributed to the modernisation of the city centre, increasing commercial and industrial activity and the new trend of adapting single-storey buildings, turning them into high-rise structures with high power demand.

Acting in collaboration with GRIDCo, the Electricity Company of Ghana (ECG) has agreed to extend the 161KV grid to its primary station on the Graphic Road to improve the reliability of power supply and reduce power losses.

Reporting by Wilberforce Asare in Accra

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