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Education is the greatest legacy from my parents, says Mr Eazi

Mr Eazi

Mr Eazi at Asaase Radio

Nigerian singer and producer, Oluwatosin Ajibade, known on stage as Mr Eazi, has said the best legacy his parents bequeathed to him was education.

Speaking in an exclusive interview with Kwaku Nhyira-Addo on a Christmas special edition of The Asaase Breakfast Show on Tuesday (21 December), Mr Eazi advised parents to support their children who want to venture into the creative industry.

“If there is any superpower my parents gave me, it is going to school. With that education it has served as the springboard for how far I have come,” Mr Eazi said in the presence of his counsel and board chairman of Asaase Radio, Gabby Asare Otchere-Darko, who surprised his client with an impromptu visit to the studio.

“The world is looking to Africa for creativity, for movies, for art, for music and so if you find your kid going into the music industry support them.

“I’ve always believed in myself, but I never thought I’d do music professionally as I am doing now, the superpower my parents gave me is education,” he stated.

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