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Garu crisis: National Security operatives were tracking suspected terrorists

Land Cruiser damaged in attack by Kusasi gang in Garu, Upper East Region (24 October 2023)

The black Toyota Land Cruiser the counterterrorism officers were travelling in

Asaase News sources within the countries security architecture have confirmed that the national security operatives who were recently attacked in Garu, were on an assignment to track down suspected terrorists.

The attackers are said to have carried out their assault because they suspected that the counter-terrorism officers were in their locality to do the bidding of Mamprusis, the local rivals of the Kusasis.

Attack condemned

The National Security Ministry (MNS) on Sunday, 29 October 2023, issued a statement to condemn the attack on its counter-terrorism personnel, indicating that it deems the attack on the security personnel at a police station highly unacceptable, and strongly condemn acts aimed at intimidating and harming officials of state security and Intelligence agencies, and impeding them from effectively executing their mandate to safeguard the peace and stability of Ghana”.

“Whereas the Ministry of National Security works to promote active citizen participation in safeguarding the peace and stability of our dear nation, deliberate acts that seek to jeopardise the lives of personnel of state security and Intelligence Agencies will not be countenanced” the National Security statement read.

“The Ministry owes it a duty to protect personnel of State Security and Intelligence Agencies who have sworn an oath to, at all times, defend the people and the territorial integrity of Ghana against all forms of threats” the National Security added in their press release.

Counter-terrorism efforts

Asaase News sources indicate that counterterrorism efforts in the country have been heightened, especially this year, due to the growing activities of suspected terrorists around the country’s northern frontiers .

The terrorism and violence extremism situation in countries north of Ghana, particularly in Burkina Faso, is becoming intense, costing the country tens of millions of dollars to keep the situation under control.

EU support

As part of efforts by government to counter the activities of terrorists, President Akufo-Addo commissioned one hundred and five (105) militarized vehicles donated by the European Union (EU) to boost the efforts of the Ghana Armed Forces aimed at securing the northern frontiers of the country from the activities of terrorists who are largely operating in neighbouring Burkina Faso and in the Sahel region.

Speaking at a ceremony to commission the militarized vehicles, President Akufo-Addo said that no single country can fight terrorism and violent extremism, a growing threat in the West Africa region, all by itself.

President Akufo-Addo indicated that the latest attempts by terrorist groups operating in the Sahel to extend their activities to coastal West Africa are clear and obvious and they do pose a substantial security risk to the people and stability of Ghana.

He further observed that “recent occurrences of terrorist activities in neighbouring Burkina Faso, Togo, and Bennin underscore the pressing need for Ghana to enhance her counter-terrorism measures” in order to secure the territorial integrity of the nation.

“These vehicles will play a pivotal role in our efforts to fortify Ghana’s northern frontiers against terrorism. I assure his excellency, Josep Borrell Fontelles, and the European Union that Ghana is committed to utilizing these resources including the militarized vehicles for the agreed purposes which include securing our northern frontiers against terrorist incursions” President Akufo-Addo said.

“Ghana stands ready to continue to collaborate with the European Union to safeguard our mutual security interest, particularly, in the West Africa region. I extend our heartfelt gratitude to the European Union for this generous donation, which reflects the depths of our partnership and shared commitment to a safer, more secure future” Akufo-Addo added.



Reporting by Wilberforce Asare in Accra

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