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Ghana’s economy always shrinks under NDC, says Richard Ahiagbah

Richard Ahiagbah, director of communications, NPP

Richard Ahiagbah, director of communications, NPP

The national communications director of the governing New Patriotic Party (NPP), Richard Ahiagbah, has said Ghana’s economy performs better under the NPP than the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC)

He said that the NDC inherited a growing economy in 2009 but failed to manage it well, leading to a decline in the country’s progress.

“In 2009, when they (NDC) came to office, they inherited a growing economy. What were they able to do with that?” Ahiagbah said on Sunday in a meeting with the media in Ho in the Volta Region.

“They will tell you that in 2011, they achieved 14% GDP growth.”

He added: “From 2011 all the way to 2016, they (NDC) never grew the economy above what they’ve achieved, but then immediately the management of the economy changed in 2017, this economy grew 8.2% from 3.4%.

“Just by merely changing those who were in charge from 2016 to 2017, we had almost about 5 percent growth,” he added.

Ahiagbah called on the media and party communicators to always make sure that they are disseminating accurate data about the economy.


Reporting by Albert Kuzor in the Volta Region


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