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Gov’t to own 10% in national airline as Ethiopia Airline takes 49%

The government of Ghana will own 10 per cent of the national carrier due to begin operations this year.

Ethiopian Airlines (ET), which is partnering Ghana to revive the country’s dream will also hold 49 per cent and the remaining 41 per cent stake made available to other Ghanaian investors.

The Aviation Minister, Joseph Kofi Adda, who disclosed this on Thursday in Accra, stated that a meeting would be staged next week for Ghanaian investors to bid for the 41 percent left.

Goil, Teachers Fund, GLICO, and Africa World Airlines (AWA) are some indigenous companies who have expressed interest in investing in the proposed home-based carrier.

A final agreement is expected to be signed before Christmas. The airline is also expected to start flying early next year.

This is why Ghana needs a national airline

In Africa, air transport supports 6.8 million jobs and $72.5 billion dollars of the continents GDP annually. Statistics have shown that Airline Business in Africa is booming as more countries are striving to take delivering for their own national air carriers.

Already some African countries are making huge gains from having National Airlines.

In 2014 Zambia made over 14 million dollars from rose exportation, Ethiopia, exported over 154 million dollars in 2014 while Kenya’s went up to the tune 326 million dollars the same year.

These three countries provided more jobs in the Aviation sector than the mining industry translating into $225m in 2016 $820m in 2017.

In 2017, total international passengers through both arrival and departure was 1.8 million mostly, from Europe, North America and Asia.

Related Acticle: West Africa Is Increasingly Lucrative For Airlines, But Lacks A Hub

Key international and regional airlines operating as of now through Accra include Air France, Emirates, British Airways, Turkish Airlines, Brussels, Delta, Ethiopian, South African Airways, Air Namibia African World Airlines among others.

Several Africa countries, including Ethiopia, Zambia, Togo and Kenya are raking in on their aviation sectors making huge contributions to their economies therefore Ghana must not be left out.

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