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Menstrual Hygiene Day: YAZZ donates sanitary pads to Christ Faith Mission School

File photo: Girls displaying their free sanitary pads from YAZZ

File photo: Girls displaying their free sanitary pads from YAZZ

Lexta Ghana Limited, producers of YAZZ sanitary pads has on Friday (27 May) presented sanitary pads to female students at the Christ Faith Mission School in Frafraha in the Greater Accra Region.

“Today being a menstrual hygiene day, Lexta Ghana being distributors of YAZZ sanitary pads decided to partner with April Foundation, all together with the Medical Women Association to educate girls and donate pads,” Ernest Tawiah, the head of sales and marketing at Lexta Ghana told Asaase News.

“We decided not only to educate these young girls, but also give them sanitary pads for them to use and today we gave over 700 sanitary pads for free to every young girl.

“First of all, we realised that these children are the future generation, most of these girls during menstrual period are not able to afford the sanitary pads and because of that they stay home,” Tawiah said.

Cost of sanitary pads

Tawiah, however, expressed regrets over the high cost of sanitary pads being the main reason why young girls use other unhygienic materials during their periods.

“It is unfortunate that there’s high cost of everything now in Ghana, but that’s the situation now but what I will say is that you people have used YAZZ, you know it’s a trusted brand over the years.

“We’ve been around for 20 years and counting and we’ve never failed so we encourage everyone to continue to patronise the YAZZ sanitary pads. Resorting to other means can be infectious. We just encourage you to continue trusting our brand and in the future we hope that things will be affordable for the pads to be used by all.

“Every day, every month we give out free sanitary pads we don’t wait for occasions before donating to the less fortunate,” he added.

Listen to one of the students appealing for more of such donations:

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