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Morocco confirms joint 2030 World Cup bid with Portugal and Spain

The Kingdom of Morocco has confirmed a joint 2030 World Cup bid with Spain and Portugal.

This was announced by King Mohammed VI of Morocco, at the CAF President’s Outstanding Achievement Award 2022 ceremony in Kigali, Rwanda, where he was honoured.

In a speech read on his behalf, King Mohammed VI said this bid would bring together Africa and Europe and also serve as a unifier as they look to stage a memorable World Cup.

“I would like to announce, before the assembly, that the Kingdom of Morocco has decided, together with Spain and Portugal, to present a joint bid to host the 2030 World Cup.

“This joint bid, which is unprecedented in football history, will bring together Africa and Europe, the northern and southern Mediterranean, and the Arab and European Mediterranean worlds.

“It will also bring out the best in all of us—in effect, a combination of genius, creativity, and experience,” he said.

Commenting on the CAF President’s Outstanding Achievement Awards, King Mohammed VI, accepted the honour with great pleasure and was delighted to receive the award.

He lauded CAF President Patrice Motsepe for his commitment to the development of African football and the renewed credibility of the CAF institution.

King Mohammed VI said the honour bestowed on him was a symbol of the genius of Africa and its youth.

He noted that football is not just a sport but a driver of success and sustainable human development, and he was committed to investing in football infrastructure as well as human capital.

King Mohammed noted that his country’s resources and infrastructure were at the disposal of other African countries as they looked to share experience for the development of sports on the continent.

President Paul Kagame of Rwanda was also a recipient of the  CAF President’s Outstanding Achievement Award 2022 with many dignitaries including FIFA President Gianni Infantino and other association president’s gracing the awards ceremony.



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