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NPP primaries: twelve parliamentary aspirants vetted in Bono Region

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At least twelve parliamentary aspirants of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) have been vetted and given the nod to campaign towards the parliamentary primaries in five out of the six constituencies with NPP MPs in the Bono Region.

The secretary to the three-member vetting committee and a member of the national research committee of the NPP, Mathew Yaw Kyeremeh in an interview called on aspirants to fight apathy, work hard and unite to make the “break the eight” dream a reality.

“The issue that has been discussed is that of unity in the constituencies. But there has been a general acceptance that, whoever loses will support whoever wins and the fact that there is the need for us as a party to fight apathy within the party to make us break the eight dream a reality” Kyeremeh said”.

Some aspirants after the vetting process in an interview were hopeful of retaining their seats while some new aspirants were hopeful to unseat the MPs.

In all 12 parliamentary aspirants made up of 11 males and a female filed for the parliamentary contest in five out of the six constituencies with sitting NPP MPs in the Bono Region. The Sunyani East Constituency contest is however, on hold as a result of a court injunction.

The aspirants include; the Dormaa Central Member of Parliament who is also the Minister of Health, Kwaku Agyeman Manu and the Minister of Labour Relations Ignatius Baffour Awuah who is the MP for Sunyani West. Apart from the Member of Parliament for Dormas East, Paul Twum Berima, who is going unopposed, the rest are being challenged.

The NPP has set 27 January 2024, for the parliamentary primaries of the party.

Reporting by Daniel Donkor in the Bono Region

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