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NPP reinstates former Akyem North MP

Kwadwo Baah Agyemang , a former Member of Parliament for Asante Akyem North

Kwadwo Baah Agyemang , a former Member of Parliament for Asante Akyem North

Kwadwo Baah Agyemang , a former Member of Parliament for Asante Akyem North who was banned from all  activities of the New Patriotic Party(NPP) in the constituency, has been reinstated.

It comes after a review meeting by the Disciplinary Committee of the NPP at Asante Akyem North in the Ashanti region.

A letter signed by Constituency Secretary, Williams Aboagye Boateng said the former MP since his letter of seclusion has demonstrated good conduct and has contributed in cash and kind to the cause of NPP in the constituency.

The letter said his reinstatement which takes effect from Monday, December 13, 2021, has been endorsed by the National Chairman, Freddie Blay.

Below is the letter


Meanwhile the MP has expressed gratitude to the executives  of the party for the decision. He further pledged his  commitment to serving the NPP in any capacity available .

“I am true party member who believes in the party and everything it’s stands for and I am happy that this decision reaffirms my resolve. I thank God and give Him all the glory and the executives for vindicating the heart I serve the party with”, Agyemang said.”


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