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Otumfuo Foundation to boost confidence of students with STEM competition

Otumfuo Osei Tutu II Foundation

The Otumfuo Osei Tutu Foundation plans to roll out a Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) competition targeting students in second-cycle institutions, its patron and wife of the Asantehene, Her Royal Highness Lady Julia Osei Tutu has said.

The event will focus on digital technology for senior high schools to motivate more students to pursue STEM programmes.

“We will take up the challenge that was thrown to us to try and organise some competitions, and so we will be working with the Ministry of Education to see how we can organize these kinds of competitions to improve the study of STEM and ICT in our country”, she said.

She was speaking at the Lady Julia’s Mentorship Class on Wednesday (8 March) which also coincided with this year’s International Women’s Day.

Lady Julia underscored the need for continuous education on Digital Technology and innovation channelled towards the development of women.

“Technology is important, we need to educate ourselves and educate ourselves and more, and these days it is very simple because it is all in our palms.”

She also admonished young girls to leverage the positive aspects of technology for their benefit while avoiding the negativities

The Otumfuo Osei Tutu II Foundation under the guidance and direction of its Patron, HRH Lady Julia Osei Tutu, the wife of Asantehene, organised “Lady Julia Mentorship Masterclass” to commemorate the International Women’s Day, celebrated worldwide on the 8th of March, every year.

International Women’s Day is a globally recognised day for the celebration of women breaking the glass ceiling in the social, economic, cultural and political spheres. It is also a day centred on addressing issues of gender equality, gender-based violence (violence against women), women empowerment etc.

The mentorship programme, held at KNUST Great Hall was on the theme “DigitAll: Ensuring today’s technology benefits all girls & women and brought together girls from 20 Senior High Schools In the Ashanti Region.

Lady Julia Osei Tutu was joined by four accomplished women as Panelists in the persons of Margaret Boateng Sekyere (Board Chair of Société Générale Bank), Professor Rita Akosua Dickson, Vice Chancellor of Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Rev Akua Ofori – Boateng (Director of Programs, Anglican Diocese of Accra), Ing. Dr Eunice Akyereko Adjei (Wistem Representative) and Dr Phyllis Tawiah ( Lecturer, KNUST).

Reporting by Irene Pomaa Kumi in the Ashanti Region

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