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Special Prosecutor: I receive three petitions daily

Kissi Agyebeng, Special Prosecutor

Kissi Agyebeng, Special Prosecutor

The Special Prosecutor, Kissi Agyebeng, says he receives at least three petitions from the public every day.

Agyebeng said he has received many petitions, including please from families seeking his intervention in protracted family disputes.

“Even before I started work officially as a special prosecutor, I had started receiving petitions … I receive about three petitions daily,” Agyebeng said in an interview on the Accra-based Peace FM station on Thursday (30 September).

He said his office will act deliberately and purposefully to suppress and repress corruption in Ghana.

Earlier, Agyebeng said he will work hard to ensure that corruption in Ghana, which he likened to a pandemic, is clamped down on.

“I come into this office and pledge to the people of Ghana, as I said exactly two weeks ago, that I am going to work assiduously [and] with deliberation to suppress and repress corruption,” Agyebeng said after he had been sworn into office by President Akufo-Addo at Jubilee House in Accra.

Free hand

Agyebeng, 43, is the second person to occupy the post of Special Prosecutor since the law establishing the Office of the Special Prosecutor (Act 959) came into force in January 2018.

Martin Amidu, the country’s first special prosecutor, resigned from office on 16 November 2020, 21 days short of the 2020 presidential and parliamentary elections.

Amidu cited “alleged executive interference” with his work. The Office of the President denied the allegations, arguing that he was given a free hand and the resources to operate.

The Attorney General and Minister of Justice, Godfred Dame, wrote to President Akufo-Addo on 16 April 2021, nominating Kissi Agyebeng to serve as the Special Prosecutor, in line with Section 13(1) and (2) of Act 959.

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