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Garu man threatens to kill national security intelligence officers in Garu

The black Toyota Land Cruiser the counterterrorism officers were traveling in

Asaase News has obtained exclusive recordings of a suspect who is believed to be Garu man, issuing threats to murder police and counter-terrorism intelligence officer at Garu in the Upper East Region.

The audio recording in the Kusaal language has since gone viral. The tape captures the voice of a suspect, Moro Zabug, who swore heaven and earth to ensure their targets were killed.

The suspect further mentioned Akeem Aeiwin (Boga), Justice Jambiedu, and Hon. Mutalla (Zongo Assembly Member) and threatened to deal with them ruthlessly for foiling attempts to kill the occupants of the vehicle and set it ablaze.

He called them traitors and laid out plans to fish them out and deal with them without mercy. The installation of Naa Alhaji Seidu Abagre (Kulga II) at the beginning of the year had raised tension in the area, leading to security concerns.

The black Toyota Land Cruiser the counterterrorism officers were traveling in

According to Asaase News sources familiar with the development, the counter-terrorism unit was on official duty in the north on Tuesday, October 24, but they were stopped and confronted by heavily armed Kusasi men who accused them of being part of a purported elaborate scheme by the Mamprusis to send a rival Bawku Naba, Naa Alhaji Seidu Abagre (Kulga II), into Bawku for the celebration of the Damba Festival.

A protracted chieftaincy dispute between the Kusasis and Mumprasis has resulted in tension within the area over the past few months. The explanations about the identities of the counter-terrorism unit fell on deaf ears as the AK-47-wielding Kusasi men pounced on the officers ready to attack.

The unit, travelling in a black Toyota Land Cruiser, had to take cover at the Garu police station amidst sporadic gunshots, which badly damaged their vehicle our source said.

The Kusasis believe that Naba Asigri Abugrago Azoka II is the legitimate Bawku Naba who had been duly gazette and a member of the National and Upper East Regional House of Chiefs.

Many have however questioned why this development merits constant attacks on innocent lives and security officers on official duty in the area. Earlier this year, An immigration officer on official duty was killed around the same area.

There have also been reports of police officers running away from their duty posts for fear of being killed by the youth of the area who pick up arms at the least suspicion.

Reporting by Wilberforce Asare in Accra

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