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WGMA reveals plans to address chronic traffic on the Mallam-Weija Highway


The municipal engineer of the Weija-Gbawe Municipal Assembly (WGMA), Daniel Sowah, has revealed plans for a long-term solution to address the chronic traffic congestion that plagues the Mallam-Weija Highway.

“The persistent heavy traffic congestion during heavy rains has necessitated the implementation of a permanent fix,” stated Sowah. He emphasised that the key to mitigating the chaos witnessed during downpours lies in the construction of storm drains along the highway.

The urgency of such measures was underscored by the recent downpour on Monday (May 13)), which left commuters stranded and brought vehicular traffic to a standstill. Both lanes of the road were obstructed by silt washed onto the surface, further exacerbated by numerous broken-down vehicles along the stretch.

“It is evident that the root cause of the problem extends beyond mere sand-winning activities,” Sowah explained, alluding to the broader environmental and infrastructural challenges contributing to the highway’s vulnerability during adverse weather conditions.

The proposed construction of storm drains aims to channel excess water away from the roadway, thereby reducing the risk of flooding and subsequent traffic disruptions.

Sowah assured residents that the municipal assembly is committed to implementing this solution swiftly and efficiently.

“We understand the frustration and inconvenience faced by commuters and residents alike,” Sowah affirmed. “The construction of storm drains is a critical step towards ensuring smoother traffic flow and enhancing the overall resilience of the Mallam-Weija Highway.”

The announcement has been met with cautious optimism from the local community, which has long clamoured for decisive action to address the perennial traffic woes on the highway.

Reporting by Caleb Ahinakwah in Accra

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