
Savannah Regional House of Chiefs appeals for support to renovate office

Buipewura Abdulai Jinapor II said the late Yagbonwura Sulemana Tutumba Bore-Esa I initiated the acquisition process for the facility before his demise

The Savannah Regional House of Chiefs has appealed to the general public, non-governmental organisations and philanthropists to support it to renovate a temporal facility it has secured for its day-to-day activities.

The vice president of the house and paramount chief of the Buipe Traditional Council, Buipewura Abdulai Jinapor II, led members to inspect and officially take over the rented office in Damongo on Wednesday 3 May.

The paramount chief stated that the house has secured the office complex at a cost of GHC40, 000 for two years.

Buipewura Abdulai Jinapor II said the late Yagbonwura Sulemana Tutumba Bore-Esa I initiated the acquisition process for the facility before his demise.

The newly enskinned Yagbonwura Bi-Kunuto Jewu Soale I, completed the process to acquire the office complex to facilitate administrative work of the house.

“We are here today to take over the facility,” the Buipewura said. “We have already paid for it for two years, subject to renewal…when we negotiate and it is good for us, we can arrange to buy it permanently.”

He acknowledged the current economic hardship in Ghana, saying the government has difficulty funding a permanent office complex for the house.

He said, “For now the economy is not so good for government to put up office for the regional house of chiefs for the six newly created regions created by the Akufo-Addo government.

“We will not sit aloof and say that government will not do something, so we will also not do anything…that is why our abled new king has acquired this facility to complement government efforts, as other regions have also done.

“But, let me put it on record that the Yagbonwura Bi-Kunuto has not taken any money from anybody towards acquiring this facility.”

A three-member committee – Mamkpanwura Acho Ade, Kusawgura Bunyamso and Benkrowura Bakari – was also inaugurated to mobilise funds and supervise the renovation of the facility.

Meanwhile, the late Yagbonwura allocated a parcel of land for the office complex for the house, however, work has not been begun on the project yet.


Reporting by Tahiru Abdul-Washiru in the Savannah Region


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