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Ghana Society of the Physically Disabled gets support from lawyer Ralph Poku-Adusei

The gesture was to support the International Day of Persons with Disabilities celebration by Ghana Society of the Physically Disabled

Ralph Poku-Adusei, an indigene of Ashanti Bekwai, and a managing partner at Trent Legal Amansie Chambers, has presented an amount of two thousand Ghana cedis (GHc 2,000.00) to the Bekwai branch of the Ghana Society of the Physically Disabled.

The gesture of Ralph Poku-Adusei, was to support the Ghana Society of the Physically Disabled in their celebration of the International Day of Persons with Disabilities.


International Day of Persons with Disabilities (IDPD) is observed every year on 3 December. The theme for this year (2022) was “Transformative solutions for inclusive development: the role of innovation in fueling an accessible and equitable world.”

The Bekwai Chapter’s celebration was used to raise funds to acquire new sports equipment and to build a basketball court for members of the society.

The Ghana Society of the Physically Disabled exist to educate DPOs, and NGOs with focus on disability about rights of persons with disabilities, to educate members of CSOs, rights-based institutions, NGOs, and media on rights of people with disabilities; to raise awareness of the general public; and to carry out sustained advocacy aimed at influencing government to ratify the convention.

Profound gratitude

Receiving the donation on behalf of the Association, Madam Emmanuella Nimoh, an official of the Bekwai branch of the Ghana Society of the Physically Disabled, told the representatives of Mr Poku-Adusei that the society’s profound gratitude to Mr Poku-Adusei for his timely support.

She called on other benevolent individuals, corporate organizations and philanthropic institutions to also come to the aid of the Bekwai branch of the Ghana Society of the Physically Disabled.

NHIS renewals

Lawyer Ralph, as he is affectionately called in Bekwai, earlier in the month of November 2022, renewed the NHIS membership of 850 individuals within the Bekwai constituency, in Phase I of his “Health Insurance for all” program. Phase II of the program is currently ongoing.

The “Health Insurance for all” program is targeted at getting less privileged people in the Bekwai district to enroll on the National Health Insurance Scheme of the state.

Wilberforce Asare

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