
Bidding process for four SSNIT hotels has no evidence of conflict of interest, says Kpemka

The former deputy attorney general's comments come amid concerns raised about a potential conflict of interest in the bidding process for for four SSNIT hotels

Former deputy attorney general, Joseph Kpemka has defended the integrity of the bidding process that led to the Social Security and National Insurance Trust (SSNIT) awarding a contract to Rock City Hotel as a strategic investor in four hotels.

Kpemka’s comments come amid concerns raised about a potential conflict of interest in the bidding process.

Speaking to Asaase News, Kpemka emphasised that all specific processes and procedures were meticulously followed, ensuring that the bid was conducted transparently and without bias.

“They have not demonstrated that in the course of the bidding process, Brian as a person had full knowledge of certain things that informed the bid process and made them the best,” Kpemka stated.

He added that accusations based on speculation that government officials may have influenced the process are unfounded.

Kpemka pointed out that the bid was won by Rock City Hotel and not by any individual, highlighting that the hotel’s proposal was deemed the best and strongest both technically and financially among those submitted.

“What you can only establish is if you can say that under his position as a Minister of Agric and having a shareholding in Rock City, he had prior knowledge of the processes and influenced it in a manner that you can establish that concept. But it is not just a fanciful thought. It must be real,” he said.

He further elaborated that a conflict of interest must be established with concrete evidence, not merely conjecture and speculation.

Kpemka underscored that the processes adhered to by SSNIT were transparent and in full compliance with legal requirements, thereby nullifying any claims of impropriety.

“From what SSNIT has said, it means that all the specific processes and procedures were adhered to and the fear of conflict of interest initiated by a member of parliament will not stand the test of time,” he explained.

Reporting By Caleb Ahinakwah in  Accra

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