
Gyampo to NDC: Changing Mahama as flagbearer will be politically suicidal

The university lecturer warns that any attempt to change John Mahama as flagbearer will spell doom for the NDC

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  • "I am told that they are thinking about who may be leading the party, whether it is feasible for John Mahama to continue to lead the party, you see it will be politically suicidal for them to think of changing John Mahama, the most popular person within the party next to president Akufo-Addo."

Professor Ransford Gyampo, an associate professor at the Political Science Department of the University of Ghana, has stated that any attempt by the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC) to change John Mahama as its flagbearer will be suicidal.

His comment is coming on the back of the simultaneous meeting by leadership of the NDC and cadres over the weekend at Ho and Tema respectively.

Although the cadres have come out to debunk assertions that their meeting was to consider the selection of a flagbearer, some political watchers believe there is some seeming disunity in the party.

Cadres must rest

Speaking to Nana Yaa Mensah on The Asaase Breakfast Show on Friday 23 April, Prof Gyampo said those championing the cause must channel their resources into useful ventures.

“Let Goosie Tandoh and co, they have played their role, they have played their part, they should rest, they should take care of their grandchildren, and allow the party to run,” he said.

Gyampo added: “I am told that they are thinking about who may be leading the party, whether it is feasible for John Mahama to continue to lead the party, you see it will be politically suicidal for them to think of changing John Mahama, the most popular person within the party next to president Akufo-Addo.”

Not acting politically smart

According to Prof Gyampo, the cadres must rather concentrate their effort on improving the fortunes of the NDC and not on selection of a flagbearer.

“And so, I don’t see why, it is a display of a certain selfishness and political infantilism on the part of anybody to want to think about, well you have hold elections and… look at the results that were produced.

“I think that for me it is a non-starter, if they have some money to go on this particular campaign, I think that they should channel that resources to Korle Bu, go to renal unit, people want to go through dialysis [and] there are no machines, they should help the system to work,” he added.

Fred Dzakpata 

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