
The young African is not a lost case; “The Emmanuel Apetsis” are blazing the trail

With literally thousands of the nation`s university graduates consigned to unemployment and several thousands of senior high school leavers jobless, it smacks of a superior attitude and ingenuity when a young person chooses to chart a noble course for himself (or herself) and for the good of society.

For the most part, young achievers have been associated with young Westerners who have chalked unparalleled feats. Relatively little is said about young achievers in Africa. The reality is that, amidst the gloom and doom, some young Africans have taken their destinies into their own hands and are challenging the status quo; accomplishing feats of monumental proportions. Their exploits are an attestation that the drudgery notwithstanding, there is still hope for Africa; the next generation isn`t down and out.

It was William Shakespeare who once wrote, “Some are born great, some achieve greatness and some have greatness thrust upon them.” Hypothetically, if you come from this part of the world and are considered great in the eyes of the world, it is most likely because you achieved it and not because you either were born into it or had it thrust on your shoulders. That said permit me to share briefly the story of a youngster who was neither born great nor had greatness thrust upon his shoulders. In my estimation, he achieved it as exemplified in the carefully crafted words of the renowned poet and novelist, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, “…while their (his) companions slept at night, were (he was) toiling upward into the night.” 

Barely two weeks ago, I got acquainted with Emmanuel Apetsi, a Ghanaian self –taught programmer and I was impressed, to say the least. He introduced me to Wizbook.net (now Africanwiz.com), a social media site he had developed with a specific focus on the African continent. He invited me to create an account with the site. I subsequently logged in to his site with my Google account. To say I was awed is an understatement. My admiration knew no bounds when I discovered Emmanuel is only 20 years old, a senior high school leaver and a self-taught programmer. I soon got to know he led a team of like-minded talented youngsters to create this social media application within the space of more than a year and which they subsequently launched on the 31st of December, 2015. To me, this represented genius, ingenuity, initiative, innovation, drive and determination.

I created an account for myself on wizbook.net and soon received a great and warm welcome from Emmanuel and a few other ‘wizbookers.’ I soon began customizing my page. The more I engaged with the various tools on wizbook.net, the more I felt this phenomenal feat deserves mention and support. There and then, I resolved to write this piece.

One of the traits I find striking about Emmanuel Apetsi and his team is their commitment to continuous learning and improvement on their social media site. Only yesterday, I received an email informing me of a change in name and considerable changes in the site`s tools and features. Apparently, wizbook.net had been rebranded and its usage experience significantly improved. This became apparent when I logged into the rebranded site, africanwiz.com. I was told some kind of research was conducted which informed the rebranding exercise. I was not the least disappointment since this new name represented in an unambiguous fashion the primary target audience of Emmanuel`s creation. While the primary focus is connecting great and talented minds in Africa, the experience it promises is top-notch. It became visibly clear to me that africanwiz.com was indeed an upgraded and higher version of Emmanuel Apetsi`s earlier creation. The tools and features are fantastic and easy to use. And Emmanuel and his team by no means consider themselves to have arrived yet but are constantly working to improve the functionality of africanwiz.com. To them, they have only just begun. The best is yet to come.

If ever you think Africa is a lost case and that the African youth has a bleak future, you better think and think again. ‘The Emmanuel Apetsis’ are forging ahead with tenacity and weathering the storm. Africanwiz.com has come to stay, charting new paths and breaking records in the social media landscape in Africa. Emmanuel and his team will be thrilled to have you stop by one of these days. I have and I am enjoying every bit of the experience. 


Author: Daniel Dela Dunoo

Freelance writer, blogger, published author, professional marketer and the founder of Top-notch Writing Solutions, Ghana.

Email: dudelda3@yahoo.com /danieldeladunoo@gmail.com

Blog:  http://danieldeladunoo@gmail.com / http://theroyalwordsmithgh.wordpress.com 


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Henry Cobblah

Henry Cobblah is a Tech Developer, Entrepreneur, and a Journalist. With over 15 Years of experience in the digital media industry, he writes for over 7 media agencies and shows up for TV and Radio discussions on Technology, Sports and Startup Discussions.

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