
The role of professionals in advancing the kingdom PT II

Ed Silvoso, an esteemed author and advocate, emphasises the divine calling of business and proclaims that each Christian's presence at work encompasses a vast opportunity, often overlooked, to share the message of faith

“The Great Commission can never be fulfilled by pastors and missionaries alone. Yet ‘the falsehood of a “sacred-secular divide” has permeated the Church’s thinking and action’.” ~Michael Oh, Global Executive Director/CEO of the Lausanne Movement

 Last week, we examined the role of professionals in advancing the kingdom of God. Here is the concluding part of that article.

The omnipresence of your pastor is a noble aspiration, but practicality dictates otherwise. This is precisely where your purpose steps in. Your presence in your chosen company or industry isn’t mere coincidence; it’s divinely orchestrated. God strategically placed you in insurance, real estate, hospitality, investment banking, manufacturing, or any other sector, with a distinct agenda in mind. Remember, this agenda transcends the pursuit of wealth and recognition. It’s time to awaken to your mission!

Embrace the revelation that your position and placement hold a profound purpose. As this perspective takes root, a transformative shift will envelop your professional life. The seeds of revival, long dormant, will sprout into vibrant existence within the realm of your expertise. It’s your unique blend of faith and professional prowess that will spark a monumental revival in the lives of professionals like you.

Consider this truth: the gospel’s reach is propelled more swiftly on the wings of business than through apostolic endeavors alone. On a global scale, the deployment of professional missionaries—medical doctors, engineers, IT experts, masons, drivers, and more—proves to be a remarkably effective strategy. In many instances, these professionals, armed with their unique skill sets, can traverse cultural and geographical barriers where traditional methods may falter.

By acknowledging this paradigm, we come to appreciate the pivotal role professionals play in disseminating the gospel to regions that might otherwise remain untouched. It’s through the diligent efforts of these dedicated professionals that the undercurrents of revival are stirred, often beneath the surface, ultimately sparking profound spiritual awakenings.

Envision a world where professional believers, like you, are the catalysts for change. Your impact transcends industries; it infiltrates hearts and souls, rekindling the flames of faith and igniting unprecedented transformation. As a professional, your vocation becomes intertwined with your calling—a dynamic fusion that transcends boundaries and paves the way for a resounding revival.

In essence, the clarion call is clear: Embrace your role as a professional in the Great Commission. Recognize your unique potential to carry the torch of the gospel into uncharted territories, and watch as the embers of revival ignite, sweeping through the landscape of your profession and beyond. The ripple effect of your faith-fueled endeavors has the power to reshape destinies and carve an indelible mark on the tapestry of human existence.


  1. Cultivate a Vision for God in Your Workplace.

Beyond corporate success, envision how your presence in your industry can bring the kingdom of God to life. Consider how your influence can touch lives, leading others to experience God’s grace within your sector. Ponder the ways in which God can become a prevailing force in your industry and strategize how you can make a lasting impact.

  1. Build Networks of Like-Minded Professionals.

Seek out fellow believers within your industry and build meaningful connections. Collaborate with those who share your faith to amplify your impact. This requires a fervent passion for God and a willingness to bridge denominational divides to collectively champion the kingdom’s cause.

  1. Establish a Mentoring Platform for Young Professionals.

If you hold a leadership position, create a platform to mentor and empower young believers in your industry. Share knowledge, skills, and attitudes that equip them for success while addressing the unique challenges they face. This initiative doesn’t require a senior management role; a heart willing to serve is the key.

  1. Collaborate with Your Pastor for Marketplace Ministry.

Engage with your pastor to champion marketplace ministry. Just as resources are allocated for other forms of ministry, extend the same support to advancing God’s kingdom within the corporate world. Partner with your church to lead campaigns and outreach initiatives that touch both saved and unsaved souls in your workplace.

  1. Embrace Your Role as Christ’s Ambassador.

Recognize your role as a personal envoy of Christ, representing His character through both words and actions. As an ambassador for Christ, your life should reflect His love and values, impacting those you encounter in your professional journey.

  1. Use Your Financial Resources for God’s Kingdom:

Acknowledge the influence of wealth and leverage it for the advancement of God’s kingdom. Invest your financial resources into initiatives that spread the gospel and transform lives. Understand that investing in God’s kingdom yields eternal rewards, far surpassing temporal gains.

  1. Prioritize Kingdom Investments Over Earthly Pursuits.

Shift your focus from accumulating wealth on Earth to investing in the unshakable kingdom of God. Recognize that sowing into the kingdom is a wise and fruitful endeavor. Avoid being consumed by materialism and lavish spending, instead channel your resources into eternal purposes.

  1. Align Your Heart with God’s Kingdom.

Your investment choices reveal where your heart truly lies. Dedicate your resources to causes that reflect your passion for God’s kingdom. Strive to balance personal comforts with purposeful investments that further the gospel.

  1. Drive Purposeful Actions for Kingdom Advancement.

Recognize that your impact extends beyond material possessions. Dressing well and enjoying material luxuries should not overshadow your commitment to advancing God’s kingdom. Be intentional about how your actions contribute to spreading the gospel and transforming lives.

  1. Remember the Eternal Impact.

Embrace the truth that investing in God’s kingdom yields immeasurable rewards. While earthly pursuits may fade, the impact of your contributions to God’s work endures for eternity. Let your financial decisions be guided by the desire to make a lasting difference in the lives of others and the advancement of God’s kingdom.

By embodying these principles and practices, professionals can actively promote the kingdom of God within their respective industries, demonstrating the transformative power of faith in action.


The current state of Europe, once a vibrant center of Christendom, calls for a renewed perspective on the role of entrepreneurship within the Church. As we witness the decline of Christianity’s influence in a post-Christian Europe, it becomes imperative to draw lessons from Christian entrepreneurs who navigate these challenging times. Their experiences offer valuable insights that can contribute to the revival of Christianity’s core essence.

  1. Reconnecting with Personal Faith.

In a rapidly secularizing Europe, the emphasis on a personal relationship with Jesus Christ holds the key to rejuvenating Christianity. Just as Christianity began as a personal connection, entrepreneurs can remind the Church of this foundational principle. By nurturing a deep, authentic relationship with Christ, entrepreneurs can model a faith that transcends cultural shifts and societal norms.

  1. Rediscovering the Essence of Christianity:

The evolution of Christianity from a personal relationship to a cultural phenomenon highlights the need to recenter on its true essence. Entrepreneurs can inspire the Church to shed cultural baggage and return to the core teachings of Christ. This shift requires a renewed focus on biblical truths and a departure from practices that dilute the gospel’s purity.

  1. Embracing Entrepreneurial Mindset:

Christian entrepreneurs demonstrate an entrepreneurial mindset characterized by innovation, adaptability, and resilience. By infusing these traits into the Church’s approach, leaders can navigate the challenges of a secularized Europe. Entrepreneurs understand the importance of addressing the needs of a changing society, which aligns with the Church’s mission to impact lives and communities.

  1. Cultivating Relevant Approaches:

As Christianity faces accusations of irrelevance, entrepreneurs can guide the Church in crafting relevant approaches to engage contemporary culture. Learning from entrepreneurs who leverage technology, creativity, and strategic thinking, the Church can bridge the gap between faith and modernity. This includes reimagining worship experiences, communication strategies, and community outreach.

  1. Reviving Evangelism:

Christian entrepreneurs often intertwine their faith with their business endeavors, creating opportunities for evangelism. Their actions speak volumes and open doors for conversations about faith. Church leaders can draw inspiration from these entrepreneurs to reignite the passion for evangelism, shifting the focus from organizational growth to individual transformation.

  1. Promoting Stewardship and Generosity:

Entrepreneurial success often leads to financial abundance. Christian entrepreneurs exemplify stewardship and generosity by using their resources to impact the kingdom of God. The Church can learn from their commitment to funding ministries, supporting missions, and addressing social needs within their communities.

In light of Europe’s shifting landscape, the Church must heed the lessons of Christian entrepreneurs and take entrepreneurship seriously. This shift involves embracing a personal faith journey, rediscovering the essence of Christianity, adopting an entrepreneurial mindset, cultivating relevant approaches, reviving evangelism, and promoting stewardship and generosity. By doing so, the Church can navigate the challenges of a post-Christian Europe and usher in a revival centered on the personal relationship with Jesus Christ. 


The profound impact of the Bible transcends the individual, shaping nations and societies in unprecedented ways. This extraordinary heritage of personal and social transformation is evident across various domains of human existence, such as science, healthcare, literature, learning, and liberty. These monumental shifts, often attributed to Christians, testify to the enduring influence of biblical worldviews.

  1. Transformative Power: The Bible’s transformative power starts at the individual level, igniting a ripple effect that cascades through entire nations. The historical narrative is replete with instances where personal encounters with the Bible led to profound societal shifts, leaving an indelible mark on the course of human history.
  2. Catalyst for Learning: The medieval monasteries, revered as cradles of knowledge, germinated into the renowned European universities. These centers of learning, borne from the seeds of monastic devotion, stand as a testament to the Bible’s role in nurturing intellectual pursuits. It was within these hallowed walls that education flourished, with a substantial portion of it rooted in the teachings of the church.
  3. Holistic Influence: The synergy between faith and the marketplace was exemplified by the Protestant work ethic, an ethos grounded in the conviction of honoring God through daily toil. This ethos reverberated across the marketplace, intertwining life and labor with vibrant faith. The interplay between personal conviction and practical application resonated not only within individuals but also within families, enterprises, and communities.
  4. Faith-Fueled Advancements: The Bible’s influence permeated various sectors, propelling advancements and innovations fueled by faith. Science, healthcare, literature, and liberty all bear the indomitable imprint of biblical perspectives. Christian thinkers and pioneers, driven by a desire to harmonize their faith with their pursuits, became catalysts for transformative breakthroughs.
  5. An Unbroken Chain: The lineage of biblical impact endures, fostering a heritage of progress and enlightenment. The legacies of the past continue to echo through time, reminding us of the enduring connection between personal faith and societal evolution.

In tracing the course of history, it becomes evident that the Bible’s reach extends far beyond religious confines. Its transformative potency has propelled individuals to become agents of change, forging societal shifts that have left an indelible mark. From the genesis of renowned universities within monastic walls to the infusion of faith into the marketplace, the Bible’s influence is a dynamic force that transcends epochs. As we reflect on these hallmarks of transformation, we are inspired to embrace this rich legacy and champion the interplay between personal conviction and societal advancement. 


Over the past century, a significant transformation has swept through Christianity, originating in Europe but extending its impact across the globe. In the year 1910, the scope of evangelization encompassed Christianization, an endeavor intricately interwoven with culturalization. However, the subsequent decades ushered in a modern era marked by the emergence of diverse ideologies—nationalism, fascism, communism, socialism, and more—prompting the church to navigate a rapidly evolving landscape.

  1. The Changing Landscape: Our contemporary era stands as a testament to the radical shifts that have reshaped the very fabric of Christianity. The once-familiar contours of the church’s presence in public discourse have undergone a metamorphosis. The modern world, with its diverse and often conflicting ideologies, has presented a dynamic challenge that cannot be overlooked.
  2. The Modern Era’s Impact: The ideologies that emerged during the modern era—ranging from nationalism to communism—significantly impacted the way Christianity engaged with the world. These ideologies posed both opportunities and obstacles, requiring the church to navigate a complex terrain as it sought to fulfill its mission.
  3. The Current Landscape: As we embark upon the present century, the contours of the landscape have evolved dramatically, particularly in Western societies. Christianity’s public prominence has waned, and there exists a prevailing wariness toward ideologies and missions of all kinds. A disconcerting trend has emerged, where an unfortunate parallel is drawn between evangelical Christians and extremist groups such as the Taliban, with both being perceived as radical, extreme, and intolerant.
  4. The Role of Postmodernity: The advent of postmodern society has precipitated a paradigm shift, redefining the boundaries between the public and private spheres of religious expression. This transformation, propelled by the currents of postmodernity, has prompted a reevaluation of the approach to religious engagement and expression.
  5. Navigating the Transition: As the church traverses this new terrain, it is imperative to respond thoughtfully to the challenges posed by postmodernity. The call is for a nuanced approach that respects the evolving sensibilities of the era while remaining rooted in the timeless principles of faith.

In this era of postmodernity, the church stands at a crucial juncture. The tapestry of ideologies that defines our times demands a recalibration of how we engage with society and proclaim the Gospel. The shift from the public to the private sphere necessitates a reimagining of our role as Christians, one that is characterized by sensitivity, relevance, and an unwavering commitment to our core beliefs. As we traverse this landscape of change, we are challenged to embrace this new chapter with grace, adaptability, and a steadfast devotion to the enduring truths that underpin our faith.


In the thought-provoking context of Vishal Mangalwadi’s insights, the Western world has undergone a profound transformation, leading to what he aptly describes as the amputation of its soul. This void has resulted in an ideological vacuum within the public domain, paving the way for a unique opportunity for Christian businesspeople to step in and make a transformative impact. As the influence of traditional church structures faces challenges, the daily interactions of businesspeople with individuals and families become an increasingly vital avenue for spreading the message of Christian hope.

In the face of a post-Christendom society, the wisdom of R. Paul Stevens resonates: “It is wonderfully true that – globally, in the twenty-first century – the marketplace is the most strategic mission field.” This profound shift in perspective elevates the marketplace from a mere platform for evangelization to a dynamic arena, if not the most pivotal one, for the holistic mission of God. As the locus of spiritual growth expands beyond traditional church settings, the marketplace emerges as a prominent arena for profound spiritual formation and transformation.

This evolving landscape heralds the emergence of innovative Christian communities, novel corporate models that incorporate spiritual functions, and even the resurgence of new monastic movements. Amidst the ongoing processes of secularization and re-sacralization, the church may experience shifts, yet the marketplace is witnessing the rise of dedicated Christian entrepreneurs who are not only starting profitable and sustainable ventures but also cultivating environments that nurture spiritual growth and contribute to local economies.

Indeed, amidst what may seem like the felling of the “old oak of Christianity,” new shoots of promise are sprouting, particularly within the marketplace. This reinvigorated context breathes hope into a post-Christian society, where single businesspersons shine as beacons of light within their spheres of influence—whether among employees, competitors, suppliers, or colleagues.

A paradigm shift is at hand. The conventional demarcation between church-based spiritual formation and business-based financial support is evolving. The transformative influence of businesspeople is now recognized as a coalescence of light and financial stewardship. The dichotomy of the church as the primary agent of spiritual growth and businesspeople as the fund providers is giving way to a more nuanced and collaborative relationship.

For a more in-depth exploration of this pivotal subject, we invite you to delve into our collection of insightful books, including “TOP 21 TALENT DISCOVERY KEYS,” “THE ROLE OF PROFESSIONALS IN ADVANCING THE GOSPEL,” “THE BENEFITS OF FINANCING THE GOSPEL,” “OVERCOMING FINANCIAL DRUNKENNESS,” “WHY GOD WANTS YOU TO BE WEALTHY,” and “FIVE PRACTICAL WAYS TO FINANCE THE GOSPEL.” These resources offer invaluable insights into the dynamic interplay between faith, business, and global evangelization, empowering you to embrace and excel in your role as a transformative force within the marketplace.


NELSON SEMANU BOANDOH-KORKOR is a distinguished figure, acclaimed as an Author, Publishing Consultant, Christian Business Coach, and a fervent Financial Evangelist. Nelson is a forex trader, cryptocurrency investor and metaverse enthusiast.

ELIZABETH BOANDOH-KORKOR (CA) is an accomplished Chartered Accountant with extensive experience as a Financial Management Consultant, spanning close to two decades in both the not-for-profit and banking sectors. You can reach out to them on +233549762233 or

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